Wednesday 18 September 2024

Boost Your Child's Emotional and Cognitive Growth with "The Whole-Brain Child"

 I hesitated when I read the title and all the reviews of The Whole-Brain Child. Would it contain too much brain science and not enough practical tips? My scepticism was soon swept away when I read the book. I learned about what was going in my kids’ heads and also gained insights into my own upbringing which was no joke. Practical advice and easy explanations of what is happening in your kids’ brains. Also, my worry that it would contain too much neuroscience was unfounded as the explanations are very clear and  concise. 

When I finished reading the book, I also bought the Whole-Brain Child Workbook which has excellent advice and step-by-step instructions. Really useful. 

Parenting is a journey filled with wonder, questions, and sometimes, complete confusion. One moment, your child is playing contentedly, and the next, they’re in full meltdown mode, leaving you unsure of how to navigate the storm. If you’ve ever wished for a roadmap to your child’s brain—understanding why they act the way they do and how you can best support their development—then
The Whole-Brain Child by Dr. Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., might just be the guide you need.

The Whole-Brain Approach: Why It Matters

What makes The Whole-Brain Child so different? At its core, the book introduces a practical framework for helping parents nurture their child’s developing mind. The core principle is simple but powerful: Your child’s brain is constantly growing, and the way you interact with them can shape their emotional intelligence, resilience, and mental well-being.

Siegel and Bryson explore how different parts of the brain (right vs. left, emotional vs. logical) work together—or sometimes against each other—in children. They provide 12 practical strategies to help parents guide their children through emotional struggles by integrating all parts of the brain.

Listen to the podcast on YouTube

What Parents Love About This Book

Parents who have read The Whole-Brain Child often describe it as a game-changer. Here are a few reasons why so many find it helpful:

  1. Practical Strategies: The book doesn’t just explain the science of child development; it offers actionable tips. From techniques like "Connect and Redirect" (connecting emotionally before addressing behavior) to "Name It to Tame It" (helping children label their emotions to reduce their intensity), each strategy is designed to fit into everyday parenting moments.

  2. Understanding Emotional Outbursts: For many parents, one of the most frustrating aspects of parenting is dealing with tantrums or emotional meltdowns. Siegel and Bryson help parents reframe these outbursts. Instead of seeing them as "bad behavior," they encourage parents to understand them as moments when the child’s brain is overwhelmed. This shift in perspective helps foster compassion and patience.

  3. Science Made Simple: Not everyone has time to dig into the latest neuroscience, but The Whole-Brain Child distills complex ideas into easy-to-understand concepts. The authors use illustrations and metaphors that make brain science approachable—like the “upstairs” and “downstairs” brain analogy, which helps parents understand why children sometimes seem logical and other times completely emotional.

  4. Focus on Connection: At the heart of the book is the idea that strong relationships and emotional connection are key to healthy brain development. Parents have found this incredibly reassuring, especially in a world where there’s so much pressure to "get it right." The message of The Whole-Brain Child is clear: You don’t need to be a perfect parent, but being a present and empathetic one can make all the difference.

Success Stories from Parents

Many parents who’ve applied these strategies have seen remarkable changes in their children—and in themselves. One mom shared how the "Engage, Don’t Enrage" strategy transformed her interactions with her stubborn 4-year-old. Rather than escalating arguments, she now focuses on understanding the emotions behind her child’s defiance, leading to more peaceful resolutions.

Another parent of two boys remarked that the book helped her navigate sibling rivalry by encouraging cooperation instead of competition. She found that by focusing on the emotional needs of each child, rather than just the surface-level conflict, the tension between her kids dramatically decreased.

A Compassionate Approach to Parenting

Perhaps the greatest takeaway from The Whole-Brain Child is the idea that parenting isn’t just about managing behavior—it's about building a relationship that fosters emotional growth and resilience. This compassionate approach resonates with parents who are tired of quick-fix discipline methods that don’t work long-term.

The book encourages parents to see themselves not just as rule enforcers but as emotional coaches who can help their children build the skills they’ll need for a lifetime. By focusing on emotional regulation, self-awareness, and empathy, The Whole-Brain Child gives parents the tools to raise well-adjusted, happy children who thrive both socially and emotionally.

Should You Read The Whole-Brain Child?

If you’re curious about the science behind your child’s behavior and want practical tips for handling emotional challenges, The Whole-Brain Child is a must-read. It’s the kind of book that not only helps you understand your child better but also helps you become more reflective and patient as a parent.

The real beauty of this book lies in its accessibility—it doesn’t feel overwhelming or preachy. It’s more like having a warm conversation with an expert who genuinely understands the chaos of everyday parenting. I really liked their approach, I must say. 

So, if you’re looking for a way to nurture your child’s developing mind and create stronger emotional bonds, pick up The Whole-Brain Child. You’ll likely find yourself nodding along, thinking, “Ah, that makes sense!” And more importantly, you’ll walk away with new strategies that can bring calm, connection, and joy into your family life.

Check out this link to buy The Whole-Brain Child

Happy parenting!

First published on Medium :-

Thursday 8 August 2024

Why Working Moms Raise Great Kids

 I know I am biased because my mother was a working Mom. But I believe the skills we had to learn were invaluable as we grew up and later on in adulthood. Is there any evidence for this?

Saturday 3 August 2024

How to Raise Resilient and Independent Kids

Here's my take on overprotective parents. This was written by myself and was an answer on Quora. 

When we were young, my uncle defended his kids even when they were in the wrong and let the headmaster know about it in no uncertain fashion. We looked on in disbelief as our parents had completely different ideas and they would never have done that. We had to stand on our own two feet and they very rarely intervened. When we were mocked in the street, my mother’s response was:-

Helicopter parents are really ruining kids’ sense of autonomy and resilience in the long term. This quote says it all:-
“Helicopter parents. Before I started at Pirriwee Public, I thought it was an exaggeration, this thing about parents being overly involved with their kids. I mean, my mum and dad loved me, they were, like, interested in me when I was growing up in the nineties, but they weren’t, like, obsessed with me.” -Liane Moriarty, Big Little Lies
You can watch the video here of Lenore Skenazy who has a great site called Free Range Kids and she defends her position very well in this video and I completely agree with her. She says that society has become obsessed with child protection and some parents are even charged with negligence when their kids are playing unattended in their own backyard!

And what about parents who are just not even bothering to supervise their kids on the Internet?
It needs to be monitored (without hovering around them all the time!) because there may be a need to restrict media activity. Again, parents setting an example can be a great help. They can be much more active in restricting the use of devices at mealtimes, family get togethers and even on outings. 

In a way, overprotective parents are having a knee jerk reaction to hysteria about child safety and protection and that is understandable but this is not the answer to raising resilient and independent kids.

Saturday 24 February 2024


Fun Spring Activities for Kids - Get Outside!

Did you know that spending time outdoors in nature has numerous benefits for children's development? According to a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, outdoor play increases creativity, enhances physical fitness, improves cognitive skills, and reduces stress in children.

With the arrival of spring, it's the perfect time to get kids outside and engage them in fun activities that celebrate the season. From exciting outdoor games to creative DIY crafts and educational adventures, there are endless possibilities to keep children entertained while fostering their love for nature.

Key Takeaways:

  • Outdoor activities promote children's creativity, physical fitness, and cognitive skills.
  • Spring offers a variety of outdoor games, DIY crafts, and educational activities for children.
  • Nature exploration activities help children connect with the natural world and learn about conservation.
  • Seasonal activities for children allow them to fully enjoy the delights of spring.
  • Engaging in fun spring projects encourages children to explore their interests and express their creativity.

Outdoor Games for Children

Encouraging children to get active and enjoy the great outdoors is essential for their physical and mental well-being. Outdoor games provide an opportunity for kids to engage in playful activities while soaking up the fresh air and sunshine. In this section, I will introduce you to a variety of exciting games that children can play outside during the spring season.

1. Tag: A classic game that never fails to entertain, tag is perfect for getting kids moving and building their agility. Whether it's a game of freeze tag, flashlight tag, or shadow tag, children will have a blast chasing and evading each other in an outdoor setting.

2. Hide-and-Seek: This timeless game encourages children to use their problem-solving skills and creativity. Kids can hide behind trees, bushes, or any other handy hiding spot while one player counts to a designated number. The thrill of discovery and the anticipation of being found make hide-and-seek a favorite among children of all ages.

3. Scavenger Hunt: Combine adventure and learning with a scavenger hunt tailored to spring. Create a list of items or clues related to the season, such as blooming flowers, chirping birds, or butterflies. Kids can explore their surroundings while hunting for the treasures on their list.

4. Relay Races: Engage in friendly competitiveness and teamwork with relay races. Split children into teams and set up a course for them to run, passing objects or tagging teammates to complete the race. Relay races are not only fun but also help improve children's coordination and communication skills.

 “Playing outdoor games can improve mental and physical health in children. Exposure to outdoor play can also shape their personality and help them develop essential social skills. It is a wonderful way to help them develop life skills.”- First Cry Parenting

It is crucial to ensure that outdoor games are age-appropriate, safe, and supervised by responsible adults. Always consider the space available, the weather conditions, and any potential hazards before starting a game.

DIY Crafts for Spring

Let's embrace the vibrant colors and fresh scents of spring with some creative and fun DIY crafts for kids! These projects will not only keep children entertained but also encourage their imagination and artistic skills. From flower crowns to suncatchers, there's no limit to the spring-inspired crafts they can create.

Flower Crowns

Transform your backyard into a whimsical garden by making flower crowns with your kids. Gather an assortment of colorful flowers, such as daisies, roses, and lavender. Using floral wire and tape, guide your little ones through the process of creating their own unique crowns. They'll love wearing their handmade flower crowns while exploring nature!


Add a touch of sparkle to your windows with homemade suncatchers. Using translucent plastic or glass beads and wire, children can craft dazzling designs that catch the sunlight and create a beautiful display of colors. Encourage them to experiment with different shapes and patterns for a truly unique suncatcher collection.

Painted Rocks

Turn ordinary rocks into works of art by painting them with bright spring colors. Let your kids' creativity run wild as they create ladybugs, flowers, or even their favorite animals on the rocks. Once dry, these colorful masterpieces can be displayed in your garden or used as paperweights.

Homemade Bird Feeders

Attract birds to your backyard and teach your kids about nature by making homemade bird feeders. Use recycled materials such as pinecones, toilet paper rolls, or plastic bottles to create unique feeders. Fill them with birdseed and hang them in your garden, providing a welcoming spot for feathered friends to enjoy a tasty snack.

No matter which DIY craft you choose, these spring projects for kids are bound to bring joy and creativity into your home. Watch as their eyes light up with excitement and pride when they complete their handmade creations. Happy crafting!

Educational Activities for Kids

Spring is a wonderful time to engage children in educational activities that promote learning and curiosity. In this section, I will share a variety of exciting activities that combine education with the wonders of nature. These activities are designed to provide kids with hands-on learning experiences while they have fun exploring the outdoors.

1. Planting Seeds

Teach kids about the life cycle of plants by starting a garden together. Encourage them to plant seeds in pots or a designated garden area, and guide them through the process of nurturing the plants as they grow. This activity not only teaches children about the importance of caring for living things but also helps them develop a sense of responsibility.

2. Observing the Lifecycle of Butterflies

Introduce children to the wonders of metamorphosis by raising butterflies from caterpillars. Purchase a butterfly kit or find caterpillars in your local area. Watch as the caterpillars transform into chrysalises and finally emerge as beautiful butterflies. This activity provides a hands-on opportunity for kids to understand the concept of transformation and appreciate the delicate beauty of nature.

3. Bird Watching

Take kids on a bird watching adventure and help them identify different bird species. Provide them with binoculars and a bird identification book, or use online resources to learn more about the birds you spot. Encourage them to observe the birds' behaviors and characteristics, fostering an appreciation for the diversity of the natural world.

4. Nature Scavenger Hunts

Create a scavenger hunt that encourages kids to explore and discover the natural treasures around them. Prepare a list of items or features for them to find, such as specific types of leaves, animal tracks, or different types of rocks. Guide them as they search, and discuss the unique qualities of each item they find. This activity promotes observation skills and teaches kids to appreciate the beauty and intricacies of nature.

 These educational activities for kids integrate learning with the enchanting elements of spring. By engaging children in nature exploration, they can expand their knowledge and foster a lifelong love for the environment. Let's encourage our little ones to embrace the wonders of spring while growing, learning, and having fun!

Seasonal Activities for Children

Spring is a vibrant and joyful season that offers a multitude of exciting activities for children to partake in. From flying kites high in the sky to exploring blooming gardens, there are endless opportunities for kids to embrace the spirit of spring and create lasting memories.

Flying Kites

One of the classic springtime activities is flying kites. It's a great way for kids to experience the thrill of seeing their creations soar above them. Choose a sunny day with just the right amount of breeze, head to an open area, and let the kites take flight. It's not only fun but also teaches children about the power of wind and aerodynamics.

Picnicking in the Park

Another fantastic springtime activity is having a picnic in the park. Pack a delicious lunch, grab a blanket, and head to a local park with beautiful scenery. Enjoy the fresh air, feast on tasty treats, and spend quality time with family and friends. It's an opportunity for kids to appreciate nature and engage in outdoor social activities.

Jumping in Puddles

Spring showers bring puddles, and jumping in them is a favorite activity for many children. Put on rain boots and colorful raincoats, and encourage kids to embrace their inner puddle-jumper. It's a chance for them to experience the simple joy of splashing in water and engage in sensory play.

Exploring Blooming Gardens

Spring is a time of renewal, and gardens are bursting with colorful blossoms. Take children on a stroll through blooming gardens, such as botanical gardens or local parks. Encourage them to appreciate the beauty of nature and discover different types of flowers, plants, and even wildlife that emerge during this season of growth.

These seasonal activities for children make the most of spring's pleasant weather and vibrant atmosphere. Whether it's soaring high with a kite, indulging in a picnic, jumping in puddles, or exploring the beauty of blooming gardens, kids will have a blast and create cherished memories while fully immersing themselves in the joys of this enchanting season.

Nature Exploration Activities

Encourage children to explore and appreciate the wonders of nature with these engaging activities. From nature walks and bug hunts to creating nature journals and building birdhouses, these activities will foster a connection with the natural world and teach kids about the importance of conservation.

Nature Walks

Take a leisurely stroll through a local park, nature reserve, or even your own backyard. Here are some tips to make the most of your nature walk:

  • Encourage kids to observe and identify different plants, trees, flowers, and wildlife they encounter.
  • Bring along a notebook and pencils for kids to jot down their observations and create their own nature journal.
  • Point out different habitats and help children understand the importance of preserving biodiversity.

Bug Hunts

Explore the tiny world of insects and other critters with a bug hunt. Here's how to get started:

  • Provide kids with magnifying glasses and small containers to safely catch and observe bugs.
  • Teach children to handle bugs gently and release them back into their natural habitat after observation.
  • Discuss the role of insects in the ecosystem and their importance for pollination and decomposition.

Nature Journals

Create a nature journal to document observations and reflections. Here are some ideas:

  • Have kids gather leaves, flowers, or other natural objects and press them between the pages of their journals.
  • Encourage them to draw or write about their favorite discoveries, inspiring observations, or interesting facts.
  • Discuss the benefits of journaling, such as enhancing observation skills and fostering creativity.

Building Birdhouses

Engage kids in a hands-on project by building birdhouses. Here's how to get started:

  • Research the types of birds in your area and their nesting preferences.
  • Collect materials such as wood, nails, and paint to create birdhouses.
  • Guide children through the building process, emphasizing the importance of providing shelter for birds.

Fun Spring Projects for Kids

Spring is the perfect time for kids to engage in fun and creative projects. Whether they prefer gardening, arts and crafts, or exploring nature, there are plenty of exciting activities to keep them entertained. In this section, I will share some fantastic spring projects that children can enjoy on their own or with a little help from adults.


Planting a small garden is not only a wonderful spring project for kids but also a great way to teach them about nature and responsibility. They can choose colorful flowers, fragrant herbs, or even grow their own vegetables. With a few basic supplies like pots, potting soil, and seeds, children can embark on an exciting journey to witness the power of nature firsthand.

Flower Art

Encourage children to bring the beauty of spring indoors by creating flower art. They can make vibrant watercolor paintings, pressed flower bookmarks, or even create beautiful collages using petals and leaves. This project allows kids to explore their creativity and showcase their love for nature.

Homemade Bubble Wands

Spring is all about outdoor play, and what better way to celebrate than with homemade bubble wands? Kids can design and build their own unique bubble wands using pipe cleaners, beads, and other materials. They'll have a blast creating endless bubbles and chasing after them, making this a perfect activity for sunny spring afternoons.

Nature-Inspired Jewelry

For little fashionistas and nature lovers, creating nature-inspired jewelry is an ideal project. Kids can collect tiny shells, colorful leaves, or small flowers to make beautiful necklaces, bracelets, or even earrings. This project allows them to express their personal style while staying connected to the wonders of the natural world.

These fun spring projects for kids are a fantastic way to celebrate the season and let their creativity flourish. Whether they are planting a garden, creating art inspired by nature, or making their own jewelry, these activities will bring joy and excitement to children while fostering a connection with the wonders of spring.


In conclusion, spring is a magical time for kids to step outside, explore, and indulge in a range of engaging activities. Whether it's running, laughing, and playing outdoor games, or getting creative with hands-on DIY crafts, spring offers an abundance of opportunities to have fun while learning and growing. By encouraging children to immerse themselves in the wonders of nature, we can ignite their curiosity, foster a deep appreciation for the environment, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

From educational adventures that allow kids to discover the natural world and its fascinating secrets to seasonal activities that celebrate the joys of blooming gardens and picnics in the park, spring provides a vibrant backdrop for children to thrive and explore their surroundings. By stepping away from screens and technology, we can empower kids to embrace the outdoors, engage in sensory experiences, and develop a sense of wonder and awe for the world around them.

So, let's make the most of this invigorating season and inspire our little ones to embark on springtime adventures. Whether it's a simple nature walk, a creativity-sparking DIY project, or a thrilling outdoor game, let's encourage children to connect with the beauty and excitement of this time of year. Together, we can create lasting memories, nurture a love for nature, and provide children with the tools they need to grow, learn, and explore the world.