Thursday, 27 June 2013

ADHD Overdiagnosis and Overmedication- The Risks and Pitfalls

The CDC’s report  (2011-2012 National Survey of Children’s Health) has raised some worrying aspects about the problem of overdiagnosis of ADHD and also as a consequence, overmedication. Over 76,000 parents were interviewed by phone.

The New York Times did not wait for the CDC to sum up its findings but went ahead and published all this data. The figure of 11% ( I in 5) of school children being diagnosed with ADHD represents a sharp rise over the last forty years or so.  These concerns have been raised before. Some famous examples are Hillary Clinton’s press conference in 2000. 

But are these gloomy predictions really true?  Perhaps ADHD really is increasing and there is a need for more and more medication. That is worrying.

It could be that there is growing awareness of the problem or as the New York Times states, there is far too much mislabelling of our children who may not have ADHD at all.  There are so many childhood conditions that mimic ADHD that this really should be taken into consideration more often.

The publication of the DSM V edition has broadened the areas of definition of ADHD which may mean that more and more children are going to fall into the net. There are fears that this redefining of the criteria and the extension of the age limits may actually lead to even more over diagnosis of ADHD.

There is also the question as to whether ADHD is being under reported in the case of inattentive children (especially girls) who tend to go unnoticed.

To sum up. The main concerns are:-
1.      There is far too much willingness to seek an ADHD diagnosis because parents and teachers want children to behave better
2.      They also want children to do better academically and they are not concerned about the ethics of giving medication as a study aid!
3.      Meds are shared among class mates and are taken by those students who are perfectly normal
4.      The health risks associated with such  misuse and abuse of the meds are considerable.
5.      Normal childhood behavior such as being fidgety and restless is part of childhood but is now being regarded as pathological. (This is the view of Dr. Jerome Groopman of the Harvard Medical School). He is the author of the book. ‘How Doctors Think’.

Finally, we should be wary of getting a fast diagnosis for our child who may have ADHD. There may simply be parenting issues. According to Dr. James Swanson, professor of psychiatry at Florida International University, the possibility that one in five high school kids has ADHD is grossly exaggerated. The real problem is with the misuse of the ADHD meds and he believes that these meds are given freely to schoolmates and he says that this could be as high as 30%.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Are ADHD Meds Really Effective In The Long Term?

The debate rages on about whether the effects of Ritalin in the long-term are really going to help children with ADHD. The latest study (Dr. Gene-Jack Wang, of Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y published on PLOS ONE ) shows that the short term boosting of dopamine which is great for concentrating and focusing may well be compromised in the long term. This also means that the effectiveness of such treatment in the end may just not be that great.

The bottom line is that while the drug Ritalin may increase the dopamine transporter, it also means that patients will experience more severe attention deficiencies when they actually stop taking their meds. That forces the doctors to prescribe even greater doses of medicine. It is a vicious circle.

This is just one of the things that I have mentioned in my forthcoming book, Facts About ADHD Children which will be available FREE ON JUNE 1, 2 and 3

Most experts are now agreed that the best long term treatment is behavior therapy or just putting effective parenting skills into place. The road is a much longer one and requires constancy and patience. But the results in the long term far outweigh the frustrations and hard work.

The subtitle of  Facts About ADHD Children is Tips For ADHD Parenting and there are very practical suggestions about how to set up an ADHD friendly home which can really help your ADHD child to acquire the essential life skills he or she will need to manage ADHD.

There is no cure for ADHD. But there are many effective ways of managing this disorder or difference as I prefer to call it.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Benefits Of Yoga For ADHD Kids

When I tried yoga a few years ago, I found that there were certainly a lot of benefits. It is a well known fact that with the advanced breathing techniques which are correctly applied, you can gain the following benefits:-

·        reduction in stress and anxiety and being less dependent on ADHD meds.
·        less tension
·        relaxed breathing means more oxygen in the brain
·        there is a definite feeling of calm and at the same time mental alertness.
·        forward bends help to deepen breathing
·        relaxation can boost the central nervous system
·        it is well known that the pose and routine of the Sun Salutation can stimulate both sides of the brain which will help with learning.

Now, when experiments with yoga for ADHD children have been tried, they have found that there are many benefits for them too and some relief from common ADHD symptoms. So much so that yoga courses are now offered in some elementary schools. That is a great way to begin a childhood, rather than giving them a new electronic gadget.

We should not be surprised that forward looking educationalists realize the value of yoga.  It is truly a unique combination of learning how to relax the body, stretching major muscle groups and learning to use breathing techniques for maximum benefit.

The ADHD child or adult does not have to be an expert although some practice will be needed to gain maximum results:-

1.      The child can learn to restore the body mind balance which is often out of sync in ADHD
2.      He or she can learn more about self awareness. These two factors alone will help the kids to really focus better.
3.      The brain transmitters are better balanced too and that leads to a better mood and feelings of happiness and contentment
4.      Children who do yoga are found to be less aggressive and violent because the body mind balance is starting to kick in.
5.      Children were also found to be less impulsive, again because of a better balance all round.
6.      Another great advantage was the fact that improved body alignment helped blood circulation which in turn had a knock on effect of higher energy levels.
7.      Even the simplest balancing routine can help ADHD kids to channel their thoughts constructively. Experts are now agreed that this routine can help the brain’s executive function which is often defective in those with ADHD.

As we have seen, there are definite advantages in considering some yoga practice which can tie in very nicely with a comprehensive type of program which may include some form of medication coupled with behavioral training.  It can complement help with learning and support for homework tasks. It should really be just regarded as another tool in the ADHD treatment plan.  

Saturday, 16 February 2013

How To Deal With Temper Tantrums In Toddlers

Ever wondered what your toddler is thinking as he or she has a temper tantrum in public?  Well, nothing much is going on in the brain except that there are emotions like frustration and anger. This is the only way she knows of trying to get what she wants!

Now contrast that with you. You are the one who is rational, reasonable, sensible and you have it all thought out!  You are going to give several reasons why this behavior is unacceptable and you may throw in a few threats and consequences as well. You are also keenly aware of how people in the vicinity might be judging you and that is going to also determine your behavior!

As we can see, these two approaches are worlds apart and they are light years away from resolving the problem. So, how can we approach this enormous gap in attitude, thinking, maturity and the way each of the protagonists sees the world.

Four tips to help with temper tantrums in public

1.      Long speeches and tiresome explanations are out!  First, the child has no way of taking all that in and even if he or she could, he has not got the mental capacity to respond to it.  I like the rule where you use as many words as the child’s age.  So for a two year old, it is ‘No hitting’ and a for a five year old is ‘We don’t throw toys around’.

2.      Allow your child to make choices beforehand. So, if there is a daily battle about what to wear at school you can do a bit of forward planning. Involve the child in getting the clothes ready the night before and ask him what he wants to wear. Saves time and hassle the morning after, provided he does not change his mind!  We are building a certain amount of autonomy in a pretty well structured environment and that is fine.

3.      Set limits. OK, it is great giving choices and allowing a certain amount of flexibility but this can go too far when the child wants and decides about everything. A good approach is to say what the procedure is for getting up or going to bed.  The photo shows that pretty well and is a great reminder of how parents should be dealing with this routine. 

 4.      Keep calm. There is no screaming match because this ruins everything. Take him away to his room and explain using the ‘age/number of words ratio’ what is acceptable and not acceptable. Remember never to give reasons or start on the ‘because’ list. It does not work. Rationality is not yet part of the child’s world.

So, there you have it. We can more confidently deal with temper tantrums before bed and in public by following these simple steps. Learn more about temper tantrums for no reason.

Watch the video on tips for child anger management

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Stimulant Drug Dangers – The Tragic Story of Richard Fee

Earlier this week, the New York Times featured a long article on Richard Fee who hanged himself after becoming addicted to Adderall and other psychostimulant drugs. It is no surprise that there were over a thousand comments on that article.

 Richard did not suffer from ADHD but was prescribed these meds because he was determined to get into medical school and he found that the stimulants helped him to study. Through clever lying and careless medical personnel, he was able to support his habit.

But he became addicted and displayed increasingly aggressive behavior, moodiness, psychosis, and became delusional.  In spite of his parents pleading with doctors not to prescribe him these meds, it was too late.  The final result was a tragic suicide.

When we talk of stimulant drug danger like the above heartbreaking case, we should not forget that when these drugs are properly prescribed after correct diagnosis, they can change the lives of many  ADHD children and adults for the better and help them cope.

But what happens when young college students take them without prescription?  These meds can be addictive for those who do not really need them. There are many health risks and psychological dangers which can ruin lives. These meds are easily available on college campuses and can be bought for between $5 and $10. There is no need to fake ADHD symptoms. 

                                DON'T DO DRUGS - MAY HAVE SIDE EFFECTS!

ADHD drug update

Guess which segment of the population is now taking these meds on an ever increasing basis?  They are young adults in the 20 – 39 age group and they had 14 million prescriptions filled for their ADHD in 2011.  That is an increase of 250% compared to four years ago!  We can explain this partially by saying that there is a growing awareness of ADHD and that people feel less inhibited about their condition.

But that whopping number also contains those students who are faking their symptoms to get an unfair advantage. Many of them are getting prescriptions by filling out questionnaires dishonestly and also with the connivance of obliging doctors. These are the ones who are taking the drugs legally. Those who are getting them on campuses illegally are committing a felony.  In either case, they seem to be completely unaware of the medical and psychological dangers.

Moral of the story? We should be alert to stimulant drug dangers. We should also look carefully at a more comprehensive treatment program and other alternative ADHD treatments. 

College Students Snorting ADHD Drugs

Friday, 25 January 2013

Is ADHD A Disease? – 5 Facts You Must Know.

Is ADHD a disease, many people ask.  They want to know because they have not been able to get to the bottom of what this ADHD thing really is and they are ignorant about a lot of facts, partially fuelled by the media and the pharmaceutical lobbies.

1st Fact. Well, it is not a disease and you cannot catch it as it is not contagious! Seriously, though, it is just a mental disorder in which the brain transmitters are not firing properly. That, in reality means that signals are not getting through and the result is lack of focus when studying or driving, difficulty in concentration and a certain hyperactivity in many cases.

2nd Fact. Can you inherit ADHD?  Most experts now tell us that it is about 76% inheritable and that is a very high figure. That is why many parents discover that they have this condition when they get their kids tested,. The reason is that very many cases of ADHD are undiagnosed.  When we compare the 76% figure with other inheritable traits we find that depression is about 50% while  autism is about 90%.

3rd Fact. Medications for ADHD may help and they are very often effective. We just need to be aware of a few facts. One is that side effects may cause about 30% of children to give them up altogether and to look at alternative ways to treat ADHD.  Also, that the meds tend to be less and less effective over time so that should also be borne in mind. 

Abuse of meds by college students and others (they can study all night) has led to a dramatic increase in the number of admissions to the emergency rooms. Just think – these visits have doubled in a five year period (2005 -2010) and they are mostly students aged 18 and over.  While use of these meds is mostly safe for ADHD patients, their illegal use is anything but and is illegal and dangerous as these figures show.  These figures are from the SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).

4th Fact.  There are alternative ways treat ADHD and these can cover anything from herbal medicine to homeopathy. The latter is highly regarded and extremely popular because there are no side effects at all and there are no health risks either.

5th Fact.  Most children with ADHD will respond to medication but it has to be accompanied by basic parenting skills, behavior therapy when necessary and also putting a structure and routine into place at home.

So, is ADHD a disease is a totally useless question. But many people are in total ignorance and one of the greatest challenges is to inform the public and educate them about what are the best ways of treating what is just a mental disorder. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The Risks Of Meds That Treat ADHD

Although we do not yet know if Nehemiah Griego (Albuquerque shootings) was actually suffering from some sort of mental illness or whether he was on any psychiatric drugs, people are asking why the USA is so obsessed with movies, guns and video games rather than on how to deal with mental disorders when they are present.

We only know that he used to wear a lot of military outfits and that he was home schooled. It is a mystery how he was able to assemble an arsenal in his home. We also know that he was not allowed to watch video games. Can there be a connection with all these things? It is obviously too soon to make any suppositions.

One fact does emerge and that is the increasing concern about meds that treat ADHD and other mental disorders such as depression and autism.  We know that most anti depressants and ADHD meds tend to increase the levels of suicidal thoughts, hallucinations and homicidal ideation.   

Most of the drugs such as Paxil, Zoloft, Ritalin and also Luvox are known to increase violent actions by as much as 10% more than other drugs.  We also know that 95% of school shootings over the last ten years or so were carried out by teens who were on prescription medication such as Paxil, Zoloft and Ritalin.

Is there a connection with the Griego tragedy and that of Adam Lanza at Newtown? Too soon to say but one startling fact emerges. It is  the obsession with weapons. I have just learned that Nancy Lanza (Adam Lanza’s mother) was killed at Newtown with her own weapons. You see she was a survivalist and kept a lot of guns so that she would have maximum protection.  We know that the Griego family lived in an isolated spot and certainly they too may have had weapons in the home for protection.

But the Lanza case is more alarming because of the following reasons :-
  1. Nancy Lanza never locked her guns up although she knew that her son was getting more and more antisocial and had behavioral problems.
  2. she visited a shooting range often and Adam is also known to have been there.
  3. as a teacher, she must have been aware of the dangers
  4. she had taken him to a psychiatrist because she was alarmed at his isolation.
  5. he would spend hours and hours on video games
  6. when they went out, he would have screaming fits presumably as a sort of withdrawal syndrome from being taken away from the games.
We may never know the truth. But what we do know is that many of the medications for mental disorders and especially the meds that treat ADHD do cause side effects and some of the rare ones include violence, suicidal thoughts, homicide ideation and mania.

This should push us more and more towards a much safer holistic type of treatment where behavioral therapy (or more simply, parenting skills)  together with ADHD  homeopathic remedies are at the very centre of a any treatment plan. 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Why Correct ADHD Testing Is Essential

An expert in the USA has recently estimated that ADHD testing is not being done so accurately. He has reckoned that as many as one on five children are misdiagnosed and that the ADHD label is slapped on them for life with all the negative consequences that will bring.

These children (estimated at a shocking 9 million alone in the USA) will be incorrectly treated and will also have to bear the brunt of a stigma for the rest of their lives. So, these 9 million children are treated for a condition that they do not have all because of inaccurate ADHD tests.

It is no secret that ADHD is now over diagnosed and as we have seen from the above misdiagnosed. This is a pretty scary scenario especially when we realize that the usual treatment option with mind altering drugs can have serious consequences.

Other things to reflect on are the fact that any psychiatric drugs (such as Zoloft and Paxil for depression and also Ritalin for ADHD) may have played a role in recent college and school shootings.  Most of the kids involved in those shootings were on some sort of psychiatric drug and we know that some of the side effects are hallucinations and suicidal thoughts.

Another aspect to consider is that the number of ADHD students actually going to college is very low as they have to cope with many obstacles so it is vital that a correct diagnosis be made early on and proper treatment be given for whatever disorder that they may have.

Those ADHD students at college will be around 5% which is much lower than the national average which is 28%.

Another worrying aspect is that  many childhood conditions such as hearing, eyesight defects, food allergies, sleep apnea, thyroid conditions and  learning disabilities show remarkably similar symptoms to ADHD and these are not being correctly diagnosed either.

Pharmacological treatment of ADHD and other childhood conditions can only be part of the answer and all the major medical authorities in the UDA have come out strongly in favour of behavior therapy which means proper parenting skills and organizing an ADHD friendly home as the only really effective way of treating this mental condition.

This is another reason why a full and proper attention disorder test should be given to all children when there is a problem at school or at home. 

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Trouble With ADHD

Far too often, there is  too much reliance on ADHD meds and there is little knowledge about what they are doing to a young child's developing brain. This is just one ADHD issue and there are many others too. For example, we do not know much about the side effects of these drugs in the short term and even less in the long term. We have no idea whether or how they will affect a child's learning.

We know that there are about 30% of children who really do have problems in coming to terms with these side effects. Very often, meds and dosages are tweaked and that can solve the problem, at least temporarily. But the fact that many children are actually suffering from sleep challenges and appetite problems cannot be ignored.

This is the  main trouble with ADHD. There is also the problem that the other aspects of the condition are not looked at properly. These can include behavior modification  or simply effective parenting skills and also dietary considerations although the latter are sometimes exaggerated. But there is no doubt that  proper nutrition can help the developing brain cells to grow in a healthy and stable fashion.

Finally we know that there are other types of medication and the major player in the field here are ADHD natural remedies which carry no health risks at all. Just watch the video below to find out what the real issues are and what your doctor is perhaps forgetting to tell you about ADHD meds. That is the main trouble with ADHD!