We know that there are about 30% of children who really do have problems in coming to terms with these side effects. Very often, meds and dosages are tweaked and that can solve the problem, at least temporarily. But the fact that many children are actually suffering from sleep challenges and appetite problems cannot be ignored.
This is the main trouble with ADHD. There is also the problem that the other aspects of the condition are not looked at properly. These can include behavior modification or simply effective parenting skills and also dietary considerations although the latter are sometimes exaggerated. But there is no doubt that proper nutrition can help the developing brain cells to grow in a healthy and stable fashion.
Finally we know that there are other types of medication and the major player in the field here are ADHD natural remedies which carry no health risks at all. Just watch the video below to find out what the real issues are and what your doctor is perhaps forgetting to tell you about ADHD meds. That is the main trouble with ADHD!